Saturday, 25 July 2015


Uterus is a female reproductive organ. It is a hollow thick muscular organ which is connected to two fallopian tubes and cervix via vagina. The upper portion of uterus is called fundus and the lower portion is connected to cervix via vagina . Uterus has three linings: Endometrium , Myometrium , Perimetrium. The endometrium is the inner layer of uterus while myometrium is the muscular middle layer and perimetrium forms the outer layer. The uterus nourishes the fetus prior to birth. The fundus is portion where fertilized egg grows into baby.

The ovary releases the egg via fallopian tube to the uterus.If fertilised, the egg attaches to the wall of uterus and fetus will develope. Until birth, the uterus nourishes and protect the fetus.

The uterus is between rectum(anus) and bladder.The serosa layer allows uterus to move into pelvic and abdorminal without getting damaged.
 The normal size of uterus is 7.6 cm lengthwise , 4.5 cm broad and 3.0 cm thick. A non-pregnant uterus weighs about 60 gms. Before puberty ,the uterus size is of 3.5 cm lengthwise(1 cm thickness).
 There are five kinds of abnormal uterus:
  • Uterus didelphys
  • Unicornuate uterus
  • Bicornuate uterus
  • Septate uterus
  • Arcuate uterus
Removing uterus from our body is termed as hysterectomy.Usually it is not preferred mostly because removal of uterus leads to several problems.It is suggested in rare cases only.